Laser Removal of Hemangiomas in Children
Hemangioma is an inborn benign vascular tumor which sometimes invisible at the moment of birth may appear within first 6 to 8 week of life. Hemangioma typically grows until 12 to 18 months destroying skin and subcutaneous layers, although might occur anywhere else, including respiratory tract, organs in abdominal cavity, brain, bones, etc.
Nose, earlobe, eyelid and lip hemangiomas are the most dangerous. By growing, they destroy cartilage, creating ulcers and causing bleeding.
The most intensive growths of vascular tumors occur from second to 4th month of life. They are genetically programmed to disappear spontaneously, although not in all cases. Their withdrawal depends on the location, size and the aggressiveness of growth.
Hemangiomas on the face, fingers and in the organs reproductive system are to be treated right after they are diagnosed. In other locations, hemangiomas can be observed for 4 to 6 weeks. If no changes are detected, the observations should be continued, otherwise treatment should be started immediately, especially in cases of aggressive growth.
In the process of treatment, laser emitted energy is absorbed by hemoglobin in dilated blood vessels thus gluing its walls together and destroying the hemangioma.
- The method is safe and effective.
- Does not leave post-operative scars.
- Causes almost no pain.
Our physicians, having evaluated your complaints and detected the location of hemangioma, will provide you with extensive information on the best method of treatment in each separate case.
After treatment:
- Use UV protection products.
- Follow your doctor’s orders.